She’s passionate about the truth of God’s Word and will tell you like it is, Autumn Miles is best-selling author of 3 books, popular speaker, CEO, wife of 18 years, and mom of four kids, and not to mention, everybody’s BFF! With fresh biblical insight, she dares you to step out in raw faith.
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Episode 140: Be the Unexpected Choice, and OWN IT
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Deborah was an unexpected choice ONLY to people who don’t understand why God chose her. God raised her up as a judge AND a prophetess over the nation of Israel. The LORD raised her up, and NOT as the last judge, but the fourth. She was NEVER God’s last pick, and neither are you. Just as God anointed Deborah with her gifts as a mouthpiece and representative of God to lead Israel, He has an extremely important calling for you, ESPECIALLY if people label you as an unexpected choice. God made no apologies for raising Deborah up, because He doesn’t answer to anything but His own character.
Monologue: Autumn celebrates 19 years of marriage to Eddie and announces a new role in her life.
Message: After the break, Autumn clarifies the truth about Deborah as a prophetess and a judge of Israel raised up by God, as an “unexpected” choice.
Question: “What does it mean when it says, “image of God”?”
Praise Report: A listener describes a powerful moment of listening to God to share their spiritual gift with someone else.
Bible References:
Judges 2:6-8, 14-19, 4:1-9
Matthew 18:20
*All verses are from the NASB1995 Bible translation.
Links from the show
BOOKS: www.autumnmiles.com/resources
SPEAKING: www.autumnmiles.com/speaking
MERCH: autumnmiles.square.site
If you have a question for Autumn, testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at hello@autumnmiles.com
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Tuesday May 09, 2023
Episode 139: Your HARD Position is HIS Preparation for a HIGHER Position
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Monologue: Jude joins Autumn and shares what God has done in his life recently.
Message: After the break, Autumn focuses on Rahab’s position and her heart, not her occupation, and how they were exactly what God was looking for for the good of Israel.
Question: “I feel like my church has too many “cliques.” How do I integrate myself in?”
Praise Report: A listener spent 7 years trying to become an American citizen, and despite the doubt from others, they were granted many blessings and just had the citizenship ceremony.
Bible References:
2 Chronicles 16:9a
Hebrews 11:30-31
Joshua 6:1, 2:1-14, 6:22
Ruth 2:1-2
Matthew 1:5
*All verses are from the NASB1995 Bible translation.
Links from the show
BOOKS: www.autumnmiles.com/resources
SPEAKING: www.autumnmiles.com/speaking
MERCH: autumnmiles.square.site
If you have a question for Autumn, testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at hello@autumnmiles.com
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheAutumnMiles/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/autumnmiles/
Click here to join our weekly and monthly newsletters and get updates on our podcast and exclusive content!Tuesday May 02, 2023
Episode 138: God Will Fight Things for His Favor Over You
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Description: Have you been asking yourself, “WHEN will God’s favor get me that promotion, get me seen by this person, or bring me a spouse?” Or maybe you haven’t even thought about God’s favor and have been striving to get you your promise all by yourself. God’s people were promised to be “the head and not the tail, above and not beneath,” and Esther and Mordecai held tightly to His promise, knowing that He would make the way for them Himself.
Monologue: Autumn’s youngest turned 8 years old, and the Miles’ family celebrated with a roller skating party.
Message: After the break, Autumn defines God’s unlikely favor for His people both in the time of the Old Testament and now, how they will be “the head and not the tail, above and not beneath.”
Question: “Someone I know, who is amazing in person, posts controversial and divisive things on social media. How do I respond to them?”
Praise Report: A married couple who battled with infertility for many years was granted favor from God.
Bible References:
Numbers 6:22-26
Deuteronomy 28:11-13
Esther 1-2
Psalm 46:10
*All verses are from the NASB1995 Bible translation.
Links from the show
BOOKS: www.autumnmiles.com/resources
SPEAKING: www.autumnmiles.com/speaking
MERCH: autumnmiles.square.site
If you have a question for Autumn, testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at hello@autumnmiles.com
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheAutumnMiles/
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Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Episode 137: Jericho has to GO!
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Description: Israel and Jericho were NEVER meant to be neighbors. When Israel marched in the promised land they had to dispossess the nations that lived there. Otherwise they were going to be a pain in the neck (or eye) for the rest of their lives.What have you LET REMAIN to be a “prick in your eye” or a “thorn in your side?” God has already done the work, so now it is up to YOU to DO THE WORK of dispossession.
Monologue: Autumn celebrates two years of maintaining a health regimen in her life.
Message: After the break, Autumn reminds believers of God’s victory over other things that claim power in their lives, just as Israel and Jericho were never meant to be neighbors.
Question: “Can you please recommend how to study my Bible and any resources I should obtain?”
Praise Report: A listener shares their experience with embracing freedom from oppression after 4 years in the wilderness and their restructuring relationship with their teenage daughter.
Bible References:
Numbers 33:50-56
Joshua 2:23-24, 8-11
*All verses are from the NASB1995 Bible translation.
Links from the show
BOOKS: www.autumnmiles.com/resources
SPEAKING: www.autumnmiles.com/speaking
MERCH: autumnmiles.square.site
If you have a question for Autumn, testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at hello@autumnmiles.com
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheAutumnMiles/
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Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Have you been HESITATING to move forward? Does moving forward make you nervous? Are you stuck? Maybe you're struggling with bitterness from a past marriage, church hurt, addictions, or kid hurt. But just as Peter was woken up and called out of his chains and imprisonment, you too are being called out!!! It's time to move on and MOVE FORWARD!
Monologue: Autumn describes how her Easter morning went as a mother of four kids, from making a special breakfast and lunch, putting together the Easter baskets, and Grace’s sweet question for Autumn’s preparations.
Message: After the break, Autumn points listeners to Peter’s immediate following of the angel’s instructions when he was called from his chains and imprisonment, while validating your chains and bondages that you may be struggling with but still hesitate to leave and begin healing from.
Question: Autumn paraphrases some concerns and questions a listener has about guilt and shame.
Praise Report: A listener shares how their 17-year-old son accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior at their Easter service.
Bible References:
Acts 12:1-11
*All verses are from the NASB1995 Bible translation.
Links from the show
BOOKS: www.autumnmiles.com/resources
SPEAKING: www.autumnmiles.com/speaking
MERCH: autumnmiles.square.site
If you have a question for Autumn, testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at hello@autumnmiles.com
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheAutumnMiles/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/autumnmiles/
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Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Episode 135: Has God Prepared You For This?
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Are you facing a sudden transition in your life right now? The disciples faced a hard and fast transition when SUDDENLY, their Jesus was taken from them. But then they remembered what Jesus had told them, and they were comforted. In your sudden transition right now, did God prepare you for it?
Monologue: Autumn reports a monumental, sweet moment between her two youngest kids.
Message: After the break, Autumn calls attention to when Jesus told the disciples about the hard and fast transition they will face and how the disciples remembered what He said when they needed the comfort.
Question: "What can I, practically speaking, do to feel God’s presence in my life?"
Praise Report: A listener shares how Autumn’s segment on Lazarus was God’s way of encouragement to her in her son’s life.
Bible References:
John 13:6-7, 2:19-22
Matthew 20:17-19, 26:1-2
*All verses are from the NASB1995 Bible translation.
Links from the show
BOOKS: www.autumnmiles.com/resources
SPEAKING: www.autumnmiles.com/speaking
If you have a question for Autumn, testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at hello@autumnmiles.com
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheAutumnMiles/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/autumnmiles/
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Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Episode 134: Peter or Judas?
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
When you've betrayed someone in your life, do you instantly know it? Peter knew INSTANTLY when he betrayed Jesus, and there was tension in Peter. But guess what... Jesus didn't hold any of that against him because his betrayal was already paid for. Jesus won't rebuke you, turn you away, or mock you, He just wants to invite you in again.
Monologue: Autumn reminisces on a trip to Costco with her family, namely with lots of laughter and a mundane yet special moment.
Message: After the break, Autumn highlights Peter's betrayal of Jesus and how Jesus responds when they meet again.
Question: "How do I come back to God guilt-free?"
Praise Report: A listener shares how his previously estranged family is now back together and making amends.
Bible References:
Mark 14:27-31, 50, 54, 65-72
Isaiah 53:1-7, 10
John 21:1-17
*All verses are from the NASB1995 Bible translation.
Links from the show
BOOKS: www.autumnmiles.com/resources
SPEAKING: www.autumnmiles.com/speaking
If you have a question for Autumn, testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at hello@autumnmiles.com
Join us on social media!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheAutumnMiles/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/autumnmiles/
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Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Episode 133: To Choose the Betrayer...
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
What do you do when someone betrays you? It could be your friend, spouse, pastor, ministry leader, etc. Our first instinct is to let the anger inside of us build to a point of boiling over. Spoiler alert; Jesus was betrayed over just 30 pieces of silver. However, Jesus had so much confidence in God and knew that God would keep His promise that He remained steady in the mission. He knew that God would do exactly what He said He would. Jesus was our example of how we can heal from and move past betrayal. You can be betrayed, yet clung to the Father.
Monologue: Autumn gushes about the time when she and her son, Jude, compete against each other at Ping-Pong.
Message: After the break, Autumn puts a new spin on the Easter story from the perspective of Jesus' response to betrayal and his perfect example of how believers should respond to betrayal.
Question: "How can I move past this hard time in our marriage and be the woman he married and get the man I married back?"
Praise Report: A listener shares how Psalm 91 changed their life by putting it in the first-person perspective.
Bible References:
Matthew 26:1-16, 27:1-6
John 12:1-8, 18:1-11
Mark 14:8-11, 3:10-20
Luke 9:1-2
Isaiah 30:18, 9:7, 61:8
Jeremiah 9:24
Psalm 9:7
Job 37:23
Deuteronomy 32:35
Romans 12:17-19
*All verses are from the NASB1995 Bible translation.
Links from the show
BOOKS: www.autumnmiles.com/resources
SPEAKING: www.autumnmiles.com/speaking
If you have a question for Autumn, testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at hello@autumnmiles.com
Join us on social media!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheAutumnMiles/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/autumnmiles/
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Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Episode 132: The Accessible Fire - Part 3
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
You know that God is the all-consuming, contained fire but did you know He is also the accessible fire? He wants you to approach Him. He wants to be involved in your everyday life. We can access the same God from yesterday, and today in our life. Do you want to know how? Listen to this week's podcast as Autumn discusses how we can access the mighty fire of God.
Monologue: Autumn praises her daughter, Haven, for her growth with gymnastics and how much Haven looks forward to her creative outlet each week.
Message: After the break, Autumn addresses how the all-consuming fire is accessible to believers with Scriptural examples of the prophet, Elijah.
Question: "Since becoming a Christian, what has been your greatest struggle with God?"
Praise Report: A listener shares how God is following through on a promise that she has prayed for over 3 years.
Bible References:
1 Kings 17:1, 18:17-38
2 Kings 1:1-17
James 5:13-18
*All verses are from the NASB1995 Bible translation.
Links from the show
BOOKS: www.autumnmiles.com/resources
SPEAKING: www.autumnmiles.com/speaking
If you have a question for Autumn, testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at hello@autumnmiles.com
Join us on social media!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheAutumnMiles/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/autumnmiles/
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Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Episode 131: The Contained Fire - Part 2
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Things can feel so out of control in our lives and overwhelm us. We can focus so heavily on the control that we feel we've lost and forget that God is still in control. He can control His fire. It's part of His character. It's time to relinquish control to a good and loving father. He is the fire that knows how to control Himself.
Monologue: Autumn reports amazing things about her two oldest kids and their experience at their church camp.
Message: After the break, Autumn preaches on God's self-control throughout Scripture and His restraint with His all-consuming fire to preserve His people.
Question: "Sometimes I feel that after I pray, I hear nothing. What do I do to hear from God?"
Praise Report: A listener shares her testimony of the goodness of God through teen pregnancy, putting her second child up for adoption, surviving domestic violence, and enduring homelessness.
Bible References:
Exodus 3:1-6, 13:21-22, 32:7-12, 32:14
Genesis 19:12-16, 24, 28
Galatians 5:22-23
Matthew 26:47-56
*All verses are from the NASB1995 Bible translation.
Links from the show
BOOKS: www.autumnmiles.com/resources
SPEAKING: www.autumnmiles.com/speaking
If you have a question for Autumn, testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at hello@autumnmiles.com
Join us on social media!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheAutumnMiles/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/autumnmiles/